Thursday, September 11, 2014


I am very excited for a thrilling opportunity the Lord has brought my way to take a missions trip to Incheon, South Korea this month. I will be participating in a literature distribution campaign during the 2014 Asian Games from September 19th through October 3rd.  There are 26 people going on this trip to help with the outreach, and we would greatly appreciate your prayers!  Our goal is to reach out to the athletes and get the Gospel into the hands of as many of them as we can.  Many of these athletes come from countries that are closed to the Gospel, and with the freedom we have in South Korea we are trying to get the Gospel into their hands so that the seeds may be planted in their hearts and taken back to their countries with them.  I will be updating as often as I can, and what I don't get to while I am gone, I will definitely post when I get back!  I plan on keeping this blog updated with any missions trips the Lord allows me to take.  I invite you to come along on the journey through my updates to see what the Lord is doing!  God bless!


  1. So excited for you! What a wonderful opportunity to share the Gospel with people all over the world. We will be praying!!! Looking forward to your updates :). Love, The A Family :)

    1. Thank you, "A" Family! I am thrilled. Hard to believe that this time next Friday I will be somewhere over the Pacific Ocean :) Lol! Love you guys!

  2. What an exciting opportunity this is for you! I will be praying and can't wait to hear all about it.:)

  3. Heather,

    How exciting! I have fond memories of the Asian Games of 1998, although I did not attend the outreach, as I stayed home with three little where we were in training with Bro. Milton and Francis Martin, I was so blessed to be a part of the prayer team.

    My husband Bruce went to the Asian Games in 1998. The way the Lord orchestrated that was such a blessing, I will have to tell you someday about it. Bruce says he knows four of the team members that are going with you on this trip.

    I also believe it was very a memorable and exciting time because my Lord had recently saved me that August in 1998.

    Heather, you know we have only recently met. I am amazed at how our beloved Lord is knitting our hearts. I was so excited to see you are going to the Asian Games Outreach. Mrs. Francis Martin contacted me about a month ago to ask me if I wanted to be part of the Asian’s Games prayer team. I naturally said, “Yes.”

    I am keeping up with the FB Asian Games Outreach page but I desired to hear from one of the team members personally. That is what I loved about the outreach in 1998.

    It was so neat to get emails from team members and the prayers they prayed and how in awe we were that we had prayed the same things being on this side of the planet and reading that they were answered.

    So your blog is an answer to prayer! I am so in awe of God right now :)

    Thank you so much for sharing your blog link with me. I will certainly be prayer and look forward to what our Lord has planned.

    1. Praise the Lord! That is so neat :) I am excited to see what the Lord will do. It is an amazing opportunity! Thank you for praying!


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