Sunday, July 26, 2015

Devil's Lake Outreach

Today we spent the day in Devil's Lake helping a church blitz the town.  It was a blessing to serve the Lord!!  So thankful for these sweet opportunities!

How can we reach a world we never touch?
How can we show them Christ if we never show them love?
Just to say we care will never be enough.
How can we reach a world we never touch? 

Friday, June 26, 2015

Muslims ~ How Shall They Hear?

Over the past week, I have been spending much time reflecting on some things the Lord did in my heart in South Korea last fall.  I have gone through my pictures over and over, and it has been such a blessing to have all the memories come flooding back of things the Lord did during the 2014 Asian Games Outreach.  I wanted to share with you something the Lord impressed on my heart during that time.

While on our trip to South Korea, the Lord gave me the opportunity to speak with many athletes, most of which were Arabs from Muslim countries. These people come from countries within the 10/40 window that have most likely never before heard the Gospel. Due to all that we hear on the media about Muslims and Islam, we tend to have a very skewed view of these people. We have allowed others to pour twisted information into our minds that has given us a large misconception of these people. Yes, there are those that hold to all of Islamic beliefs and practices, but the average Muslim you speak to knows very little about the Qu'ran and Islamic beliefs and practices. They are simply Muslim because they were born that way. While at the Asian Games, the Lord truly opened my eyes to see these people as souls and not as those to be afraid of. As I began to reach out to and talk to these people, I discovered they are very willing to listen and are quite receptive to the Gospel - once they see you actually take an interest in them and care about them. Some of the best conversations I had while in South Korea were with Muslims, and by the time we left, the Lord had given me a whole new perspective with them. He allowed me to see them through His eyes as souls - souls that are lost and dying, souls that have no hope, souls that are searching for the truth, souls that need a Saviour just as much as the rest of us. Do we care about these souls? We might SAY we do, but what are we doing to reach them? Or are we trapped in fear, our mind filled with misconceptions of these people, not willing to reach out to them because we value our earthly lives more than the destination of their eternal soul? Upon coming home the Lord confirmed my heart in the matter while sitting in a class at Master's Baptist College. Missionary Noah George to Lebanon brought a presentation to us about Islam, Muslims, and the Gospel. The things he spoke on were EXACTLY what the Lord had impressed on my heart over the past two weeks and opened my eyes to. It was an encouragement to me. It enlarged the flame that the Lord had begun burning in my heart for these people over the two weeks in South Korea. They have very little hope of hearing the Gospel. Why? Because WE are not willing to go. WE are not willing to share the Gospel with these people. The bottom line is - WE are selfish. We care more about ourselves than we do about others and we are not willing to put our lives on the line to share the Gospel with them. We need to open our eyes as Christians and see these people as souls - just like every other soul around us. We need to stop listening to those that are planting evil thoughts in our minds about these people and realize that they too are searching for something that satisfies. They too are searching for the Truth. Are we going to share it with them?

"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?" Rom. 10:14

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Mongolia ~ 2016

Greetings, Friends!  Please join me in prayer over the possibility of going to Mongolia on a missions trip in the fall of 2016.  I am thrilled at this open door, and am praying for the Lord to bring the details together and provide the needs!  With God all things are possible!

Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
John 4:35